Every year thousands of airplanes land on Thailand’s airports and
they are packed with single men of all ages or men in unhappy
relationships or marriages. When they get asked by people back in their
home countries what they like about Thailand and why they are going
there for holiday every year the answer usually goes like the beaches
are so nice, it’s always warm and Thai people are so friendly.
What they are not telling is the main reason for coming to
Thailand and that’s because of Thai girls. Some are just out for sexual
adventures while others are looking for a girlfriend or wife but what
most of them have in common is they go for bar girls. I’d say more than
80 percent of the foreign men coming to Thailand (who are not in healthy
relationships) are having sex with a Thai bar girl or any kind of Thai hooker – and out of all these guys not more than 10 percent would admit that to their friends back home.
lot of foreigners don’t even want to call them “prostitutes” because
they think it’s just so different here in Thailand where you can pay for
a girl the first time then get her phone number and arrange the second
date for free and the only thing you have to pay for is dinner and
whatever she randomly picks up at the 7 eleven while you go buy the
condoms. Thai bar girls don’t make you feel bad and guilty by what you
are doing, they even give you the feeling that they really like you –
which is actually no lie in most cases.
If you haven’t made any experiences with Thai bar girls yet, maybe
you haven’t even been to Thailand – this is how you hook up with a Thai
bar girl. If you have, just skip reading the following four paragraphs.
You walk into a go go bar or beer bar
and take a seat. If you come without female company it will not take
long until one of the girls spontaneously comes over to you (not the one
that takes your order) or you make eye contact with one of them and
when you return her smile she will come over. Standard what she says is
like “Hi what your name where you from you come to Thailand for
holiday I like you you buy me drink?”
By “drink” she means lady drink and this is one of the three sources
of income for bar girls in Thailand and the only reason they call it
like that is because these drinks are more expensive than drinks for the
customers at around 150 baht (and her share is around 50%, if at all,
usually it’s 50-70 Baht) usually no matter if she orders coke or
tequila. It will not take more than five minutes for the girl to ask for
a lady drink and then usually for a second one before she asks you
where you stay and if you want to go to your place together.
There comes the second and most significant part of the Thai bar
girl’s income: her price for sex. You have usually two options: Short
time, means one shot and for about one or two hours and long time, means
several shots and she stays with you until breakfast the following day
(or brunch). Short time is between 1,000 and 2,500 Baht and long time
between 2,000 and 4,000 Baht. Some girls let you make an offer and just
ask “how much you give me” and when you arrange say 1,000 Baht (and she
likes you) she sleeps at your place anyway – unless you tell her to
leave after which is absolutely fine.
You also have to pay the bar fine
(between 500 and 1,000 Baht), that’s the money you pay to the bar so
you are allowed to take the girl outside – and it doesn’t include the
girl’s share. The third source of income for a Thai bar girl is her
salary which is usually quite low if she gets any at all at around 6,000
Baht per month.